February Newsletter
Hello and welcome to February’s Newsletter!
The year started off in style with a New Year’s Day kayak out on Mulroy Bay, this was the second year of it and it looks like it could be becoming an annual tradition! Then on the first weekend of the year a group of hardy young boys experienced the excitement of rock climbing out at Cruit Island for a rather adventurous 10th birthday party!
Monday 20th January was supposed to be blue Monday – supposedly the most depressing day of the year, so working together with Wholegreen the idea came about to reclaim this day and beat the blues by organising Green Sunday! The plan was to watch the sunrise from the top Errigal, and what a sun rise it was! The photos taken that morning were truly spectacular and can’t really do justice to the colours and views that were experienced by all, we definitely beat those Monday blues!
So thanks to everyone who came out and joined us that day, we will certainly be doing a few more sunrise hikes.
January also contained a number of firsts for myself personally, I had my first newspaper interview with the Donegal News running an article about the upcoming Full Moon hike and then I had an interview with John Breslin on Highland Radio, if you want to listen back to the interview just click on the link:
So what’s coming up:
The Feb Full Moon Hike is fully booked but the next two Errigal Full moon hikes are currently open for booking, just click on the link to book:
9th March – https://forms.gle/CMxapfxPVkhhbeFi8
8th April – https://forms.gle/45F4X6UbQ8KLi8bg6
Mini morning adventures will be starting back up in February, if you haven’t heard of these before they are little adventures that can be fitted in before lunch! At the moment the following dates are available, just click the link to find out more and to book:
12th Feb – https://forms.gle/WK95oZajfuUmwqyi7
17th Feb – https://forms.gle/6aZsRTzfjJEVQ8JG8
26th Feb – https://forms.gle/xBNUZmdWkwLMm6go7
The first Sunset Kayak Trip around Mulroy Bay of the year is fully booked, but the next sunset kayak trip is on 28th February, to find out more and book your place click here: https://forms.gle/LbHKhAeHqHaLfAeE6
February also sees the beginning of a new partnership with the Good Earth Farm in Glenties, during which they will be hosting a Valentine’s hiking weekend. To find out more and book your place click here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2758652714216145/
Quite a few people have expressed an interest in learning some navigation skills, I will be organising an Introduction to Navigation workshop for the start of April, so keep an eye out for more information on this coming soon.
For more information on any of the above events and any other events coming up keep an eye on the website: www.awakenadventures.ie and on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/awakenadventures/
Remember that you don’t need to wait for an event to be organised, if you want to organise your own adventure then get in touch today.
Happy Adventuring